As I was flipping through our pictures and videos from December today I realized how special Christmas was this year. Being able to be home with Calvin made the season slow down a little bit and I felt like I was able to soak it in.
Calvin only knocked the tree over once, chose one present to slowly unwrap throughout the month, broke one decoration, and developed a fondness for candy canes.
I really talked Santa up and showed Calvin lots of pictures or decorations. But when the time finally came to meet the big guy at the Bateman family party, the inevitable Santa lap scream ensued. Priceless.
My family had the brilliant idea of riding the Front Runner train up to SL to see the lights at temple square, eat dinner, and have a gay old time. I had visions of us lounging around a nearly empty train, enjoying one another and eating snacks. Apparently I was envisioning a ride on the Hogwarts Express, because reality was nothing like that.
First of all, the only day that worked for everyone was Monday, December 23rd. Secondly, Jeff, Calvin and I nearly missed the train, then upon entering wished we would have. It was completely full and then some, with everyone going to temple square. The square itself was a madhouse, Calvin screamed most the time and had to be packed. Dinner was the shortest line at the food court: nasty chinese with a side of regret. And lastly, the train ride home found us stranded at the Murray station for an hour, then entering a train so full I'm pretty sure it violated all safety rules and standing next to a sign that ironically read "The more the merrier." Oh and Calvin screamed for much of the ride. Megan took the awesome picture below.
We managed to get this gem of a picture and most of us are already laughing about the experience. Just don't ask me to ride that train any time soon.
Christmas Morning
We got Calvin's bouncy horse a couple months ago and kept in the basement. Calvin had seen the horse and ridden it a few times - we couldn't resist - but I never anticipated his reaction when opening it. He started hyperventilating and waving his hands in the air. We put him on the horse and he smiled so big I thought my heart would burst. He had the audience of Jeff's whole family and ate it up.
I couldn't have imagined Christmas morning going so well. I thought he wouldn't care about his presents, but the horse, soccer ball, and buckets were a win. Then he got spoiled beyond belief from both sides of the family.
Christmas Eve night we couldn't keep him from climbing up the big pile of presents.

The most amazing Christmas dinner of smoked salmon was enjoyed at my parents' home that evening. We skyped with Collin for a couple hours and opened even more presents. That night the bubonic plague struck Jeff and the next day Calvin came down with croup. Boo. Luckily they healed just in time to ring in the new year with a party hosted at our house that went until 2 am and even involved a root beer keg!
We spent New Year's day lunching with Jeff's brother Nate and his girlfriend Brittney, saw a movie with them, and hosted a game night with my family.
A look at the spoiled child's loot. He already dribbles his soccer ball around the house, which is the absolute cutest thing I've ever seen.
We had a wonderful Christmas and end to 2013. The year was full of firsts - some difficult, most welcome and long anticipated. I love the new year and the feeling of a fresh start it brings. I can't wait to see what it holds. Jeff already promised Calvin that it would be the best year of his life so I'm sure it'll be amazing!