Friday, August 9, 2013

And then six months went by

 I look forward to/dread the 5th of each month because it means Calvin is one month older. It's not that I thought I wouldn't like motherhood, but this stinker didn't make it easy on us at first. Now each month gets more and more fun, but he's also getting older. Make it stop!

My baby is practically an adult now, crawling throughout the house with two teeth. He chases Hobbes and the vacuum around, loves reading books, and insists on holding his own bottle. See what I mean, he might as well be 18 years old and leaving for college. I think I'll go cry now.

P.S. Calvin was actually cute at 1 month old, despite how that picture looks. He had lost his hair and spent most of his waking hours crying, but I promise the lighting is just bad ;)


  1. So I've just spent the past few minutes re-reading all of your blog posts about your cute little man. . . because my little guy is finally asleep for more than 20 minutes! :) Motherhood is a freaking trip I tell ya!

    1. You can say that again! Glad to have you join the ranks with your adorable babe!


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