Monday, February 25, 2013

calvin tucker's first three weeks of life

Whoever said having a baby in the dead of winter is a good idea was right and wrong at the same time. Wrong, because Utah  in the dead of this winter is my worst nightmare, especially when forced to be cooped up inside. I have been a hot mess, and not the sexy kind. More like the kind that wakes up in the middle of the night completely drenched in cold sweat. Then I sit and marvel at the hormones coursing through my body because giving birth is a real trip and I wonder as I nurse my baby boy in the middle of the night if I taste salty to him...someone should have warned me. Poor Jeff doesn't know if he will come home to a happy, glowing new mother or an emotional wreck that can't hug him without tearing up. That's enough disclosure on the ugliness of the past three weeks.

Because having a sweet baby boy in the dead of winter is also an amazing thing. I have every excuse in the world to simply sit inside all day and canoodle him. I get to spend each day staring into his big eyes and watch him stare back at me with all the wonder and awe of a new little creature discovering this world for the first time. He has the longest eyelashes and cutest little eyebrows and feet. They're miniature replicas Jeff's feet and I love it.

So yeah, I don't want to do it again and it hasn't been easy, but I wouldn't trade these last three frigid weeks inside with my new little babe for anything. 


  1. Totally forgot to comment even though I had something to say. ha I can unfortunately relate to the hormone changes. Some days I am is terrible. And then most days i'm the same old jan. But poor Nate on those crazy days. :) I guess I should prepare for after I have the baby. Can't wait to meet your sweet little boy. Hope your recovery has been going okay!

  2. Congrats in the little man!! I don't think anyone can prep you for the hormonal rollarcoaster we go through after delivery! So crazy! Your babe is adorable and you look great! Hope your recovering well!

  3. Congrats on your new babe!! I don't think anyone can prep us for the hormonal rollarcoaster we go on after delivery! Your little man is adorable and you look great! Hope your recovering well!


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